Analytical Exposition Text

Mobile Phone in The Class

Nowadays almost every students have their own  mobile phones. They bring it everytime and anytime including to class. Although phones is very helpful but it also has many bad effects. Firstly, phones can make students lose focus when studying.  If students bring their phones to class, there will be no doubt that they will use their mobile phones when studying and forgetting about their obligation to study.

Secondly, phones will make students dependet. We all know that phones has many tools such as calculator, dictionary, and google. It is afraid if students will depend on their mobile phones, for example a student needs to answer a mathematic question. To make it easy, he uses his calculator in mobile phones. This thing will make him become dependent student because he depends his accounting skill on mobile phones calculator.

Thirdly, phone can make students unsocial. Students will be distracted by their own phone that they will forgot about whats not on the screen of their phones such as their friends, family, teacher, or other people.That will bring bad social effect for them.

Mobile phones may be helpful for students in many ways, but the bad effects that they bring is many more. Finally, I personally conclude that mobile phones doesn't need to be banned for students at school, but school administration need to make a rule about using mobile phones at class.


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